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Fjällmaraton 2020 and Covid-19

Many of you will hopefully be pleased to hear that this year’s Fjällmaraton will go ahead this summer–albeit with appropriate modifications to ensure you, as competitors, spectators and family members, can all comply with social distancing standards.

Keep reading to see the steps that Fjällmaraton is taking for each event:

Welcome to Jämtlandsfjällens this summer!

KIA Fjällmaraton 25 July – 1 Aug

Fjällmaratonweek will take place, as planned, from July 25th onwards. All races:

  • Reduced start fields: Salomon 27K and KIA Fjällmaraton will be limited to a maximum number of 500 participants, while Fjällmaraton 100K, Välliste Runt and Kvartsmaraton will be limited to max 300 entrants.
  • No mass start: Entrants will have a three-hour open window during which they can choose when they take to the start line. Your start time will be registered as you pass the line with your timing chip. Split times will be recorded at mid-race checkpoints too. The results for all of the distances will be based on your finish line time.
  • Reduced post-race socialising with fellow competitors: Designated transfer shuttles will whisk you swiftly away to your accommodation after finishing your race.
  • Start number collection: in close cooperation with our accommodation partners, our revised approach will ensure that queues are avoided and start numbers can be collected easily. This is to limit large gatherings of people at Åre Torg.
  • Max 50 people on each start line transfer bus.
  • More detailed information for the start number collection for vulnerable people during the event will be provided. Stay tuned; we are working very hard with our partners and accommodation providers to ensure that we minimise the risk of infection.

KIA Fjällmaraton, 100K, Salomon 27K and Peak Performance Vertical K:

  • Reduced number of competitors in the two main races: Salomon 27K och KIA Fjällmaraton will have a starting field of max 500 entrants.
  • Elite athletes will be split into two start groups. 50 women and 50 men, split over two separate starts, scheduled to depart after the open start window as these races include prize money for the top athletes (ITRA points count towards qualifying for the elite field, or wild card entrants for select individuals).
  • Live streamed prize ceremony for the races with cash prizes.

Cancelled Events in 2020:

Sprinten will not take place in 2020. Given its likelihood to draw in the crowds in central Åre, this event has been scrapped as we cannot permit any crowds bigger than 50 people.

The Minimaraton changes its format for 2020. With something in the region of 250 kids each year – plus double the number of parents and responsible adults – we have decided to create two well-marked routes in Edsåsdale that will remain open and signposted for the duration of Fjällmaratonveckan. This approach gives families total flexibility on their choice of day and time and will be a fun way to spend a free day. All kids that complete one of the routes during the week will receive Fika and a commemorative souvenir.

The wider concept of Choose Your Day

We have a solution for those who have missed out on an entry to your dream race this year, or if you are already entered for certain races but feel uncomfortable with the notion of increased tourists in the region during the week. Throughout the summer we will introduce the Choose Your Day option. A separate entry form will be created for the following race routes: Välliste Runt, KvartsmaratonPeak Performance Vertical K, Salomon 27K and KIA Fjällmaraton.   The Choose Your Day concept gives you total flexibility to participate in your chosen race on your own terms – with the bonus of the same race-day access to chip timing and transfer shuttles as you would expect. The results for each race route will be updated daily between the Choose Your Day period of 27th June – 16th August. Stay tuned for the next newsletter in which we will explain how to change your current entry and register for this new concept.

No Tour de Fjällmaraton in 2020

Those entered for the Tour de Fjällmaraton will be offered free start places in all of our individual events during the KIA Fjällmaraton 25 July – 1 Aug as well as the Öppet Fjäll on 8 August. Alternatively, entries can be deferred to 2021. Given the unique circumstances facing the 2020 edition (namely the increased pressure to ensure the smooth, socially distanced running of the standard events), we do not feel we are in a position to fulfil our own high standards for the Tour. For this reason, we have decided to put the Tour on hold for 2020 and ensure that the 2021 edition is even bigger and better with extra special stages and additional races. On Wednesday we will send an extra newsletter to those affected by this decision with information on how to defer your Tour entry for 2021 or re-register for all the individual events in 2020. På grund av den utökade belastningen på organisationen att genomföra säkra arrangemang av de befintliga loppen under veckan kommer vi inte att mäkta med att genomföra en så högkvalitativ Tour som vi vill med de extralopp som de unika extra etapperna innebär, därför väljer vi att pausa Touren 2020 och ladda för 2021 istället. Vi kommer att skicka ett separat nyhetsbrev på onsdag med all info om hur omregistrering till lopp eller uppskjutning till 2021 görs till er som det berör.

Öppet Fjäll runs on 8 Aug 2020

As announced previously, Öppet Fjäll will now run on 8 August. You will also have the opportunity to run this event throughout the summe

BUFF Bydalsfjällen as planned

BUFF Fjällmaraton Bydalsfjällen will take place as planned on 22 August.  Currently this is set to adhere to the same measures as outlined above – including the revised approach to start number collection, start windows, transfers etc.  However, as this event takes place later in the summer, the situation may be more stable and restrictions may have eased; if so, this race may look more like its original self.